Sunday, May 3, 2009

On a Sunday Morning

A bright calm Sunday morning in Fargo. What is the first thing I like to do when I wake up in the morning ? (or for matter you ?). Step out to my deck, close my eyes in to the early morning sunshine and take deep breaths - umm, the smell of fresh air - invigorating.

I feel deeply oxygenated (or ozone-ated) and these moments - still yet powerful would
set the course of the day.

Today I feel like connecting with the earth. I walked to what used to be a garden patch last summer. The rose bush showed signs of life ! - russet leaves and stemlets sprung from the bush and I was amazed ! It survived the relentless blizzards, snow, and artic winds through our extended winter. For a while, I wondered about the human spirit - its ability and will to survive likening it to the rose bush. Come on now - enough contemplation - get to work, I told myself.

I cleaned the patch (remnants of last years tomatoes), tilled the soil, watered it and let it settle
before sowing fenugreek. I hope to savor it before leaving to India this summer.

In the evening, we went for a bicycle ride on Trollwood. The river had devoured the park entirely during the crest late March. Now it seemed too reluctant to return it, retire and meander forthe rest of its course. We ride in to the trail only to meet the river a few feet in to the trail.
Quite flowed the Red ! -

We sat there and watched a family of ducks relish the Red, tried bouncing a few pebbles (I made a mere 4 ) . The silence was only puncutated by the pebbles and the ducks fluttering their feathers. Peace to one and all.

A beautiful day, eh !

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